Kwikqy integrations
Seamless integration with your favorite apps
Kwikqy works flawlessly with your favorite apps and links.
Try Kwikqy for freeConnect your favourite apps and connect your team
Kwikqy integrations is where your work gets easier. Connect your apps to your team, save time and avoid double data.
Sync Kwikqy with your apps and let Kwikqy do all the work
Kwikqy works seamlessly with your favorite apps and links. For example, an integration with your accounting program Exact, but Kwikqy also works perfectly with all Google applications. For example, you can integrate Google Calendar and Gmail.
Work streamlined with integrated tools
In Kwikqy, applications and API's work at the same place as your team.
Google integration
Email has limited functionality with other apps — you need to constantly switch tabs, windows, and your focus for even the smallest of tasks. Kwiqky connects with all of your work tools, so you can find information or perform quick actions without leaving conversations.
Read more about how Google works with KwikqyGmail
Import your (company) e-mail into Kwikqy and Kwikqy converts the e-mails directly into a notification, to the right customer or contact.
Never forget an appointment again, link your agenda to your Kwikqy calendar and synchronize all your appointments and reminders.
Kwikqy's Google Maps work order integration gives you precise insights into where and when the delivered product was delivered.